Monday, October 13, 2008

Portland is gorgeous...

Every time I cross one of the bridges going over the Willamette River, I remember why I moved to Portland.  This city is beautiful.  And I am reminded of this pretty often, because it's a regular occurence for me to somehow end up on a street that takes me to the other side.  But I've really only driven or ridden over the river - never really stopping to fully enjoy it.

So Sunday, Ben and I visited the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (known as OMSI here).  We had an exciting afternoon of playing Six Pack Man (Pac-Man slowed down to the speed as if you were drunk), looking at fetuses in glass containers, and playing mind bender games (we were only about 3 for 10 - pretty sad).  Below is a picture of us all infared-ed (I'm an English major... I'm allowed to make up words).  The whiter the area, the warmer; the redder, the cooler.  Ben looks like a Panda.  I obviously have a very cold nose and a very hot neck.

OMSI is right on the river, so afterwards, we decided to go for a walk.  It turned into a rather long walk, which was perfect, because on the way back, I got to see my first draw bridge go up!  And not only one, but three!  And we were standing on one of the bridges as it started to beep in warning of going up!  A small thing for some people, but the small things are what count, and it was pretty exciting for me!  Click here to see the pictures.  Portland is so pretty!

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